Community solar is an electricity purchasing option which allows households, schools, municipalities and businesses to purchase solar electricity from nearby solar farms, without having to install a system on their property. Soltage partners with a diverse set of energy consumers to provide access to clean power from our community solar projects located across the U.S.
If you’re an individual interested in subscribing to a community solar farm, you can find available subscriptions in the below regions. If you’re a business or organization looking for renewable electricity purchasing, contact us directly to discuss your options.
Engaging with community solar to purchase renewable energy offers subscribers a number of key benefits.
Allows individuals or businesses to utilize off-site clean energy resources to stabilize power prices and lock in lower electricity bills.
Provides a clean energy solution for individuals or businesses where lack of available land or real estate otherwise limit traditional solar options.
Eliminates upfront costs, system monitoring and ongoing upkeep necessary to install and maintain the system.
Facilitates local economic development, creates jobs and generates tax revenue.
Featured News
The 3.1 megawatt (MW) project will now provide energy to more than 700 subscribers in Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG) territories in Camden, Mercer and Burlington counties. 51 percent of the project’s subscribers are low and moderate income residents, who will receive guaranteed savings on their electric bills for 20 years with no cancelation fees, and save an estimated $120 annually.